The Mike Brown Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund was established shortly after the untimely death of an extraordinary young man who was loved by many during his brief life. Mike Brown, Jr., known to many as “Mikey” or “Brownie,” touched a wide circle of lives during his 18 years on this earth, and dramatically impacted more after his death as an organ donor.
Because of the generosity of his family, who made a brave and unselfish decision during a time of extreme grief, the lives of at least four individuals were extended with life-saving organ donations. One of those individuals, Bob Roen, received Mike’s healthy and giving heart.
Besides saving his life, that gift has changed Bob’s outlook dramatically. Mike’s spirit has motivated Bob to spend more time with family — especially his grandchildren — and these days he is our most prolific and devoted fundraiser. He has made it his mission to raise thousands of dollars in donations from personal acquaintances all across the country to keep Mike’s memory alive.